Sensitive Skin

Amy's Skin Care

Sensitive skin is characterized by: A thin epidermis with blood vessels close to the surface A red and blotchy appearance Tautness over bone areas A crepe-like or delicate texture Some cases of sensitive skin can have over-active sebaceous (oil) activity. External conditions such as chemical, mechanical, atmospheric irritation, and fluctuations in temperature can easily affect…

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Amy's Skin Care

The National Rosacea SocietyRosacea is a skin disease that causes redness, pimples, and red lines on the nose, cheeks, chin, and forehead. A rash over the cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin often occurs. People sometimes call it “adult acne” because it can cause pimple-like outbreaks. Rosacea can also cause burning and soreness in the eyes…

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Amy's Skin Care

Hyperpigmentation is a common, usually harmless condition in which patches of skin become darker in color than the normal surrounding skin. This darkening occurs when an excess of melanin, the brown pigment that produces normal skin color, forms deposits in the skin. Hyperpigmentation can affect the skin color of people of any race. For more…

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Mature Skin

Amy's Skin Care

Skin ages in many identifiable ways. External factorsSun damage, pollution, free-radical damage, smoking. Internal factorsOxygen depletion, collagen destruction, reduced cell turnover, abnormal cell formation, decreased fat content, intercellular deficiency, hormone loss and depletion, chronological aging, immune suppression, and free radical damage. Collagen and elastin break downThe support structures of the skin, collagen, and elastin break…

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Amy's Skin Care

What Causes Acne? Acne is the visual manifestation of hormonal, bacterial, and other inflammatory disturbances that take place in the oil pore (pilosebaceous follicle). No one factor causes acne. Acne happens when oil (sebaceous) glands come to life around puberty stimulated by male hormones from the adrenal glands of both boys and girls, although acne…

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